Huber, G. L.
Active learning : Trivial routine or permanent challenge of instruction?
1. Conceptual and empirical approaches to "active learning"
1.1 Active and self-regulated learning -- a tautology?
1.2 Self-reports of active learners: Characteristics of their learning
1.3 Central features of active learning: An observation protocol
goal setting
task structure
access to information
process of work and learning
outcomes of work
assessment of learning and learning processes
2. Findings from active learning classrooms
2.1 Qualitative impressions
2.2 Observation data
3. Necessary conditions for self-regulated learning activities
3.1 Active decision-making in learning processes
3.2 Complementary relation of individual and social activities
3.3 Self-regulated teachers as active learners
4. Why active learning?
Vortrag an der Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Izmir,
26. Februar 1997