Huber, G. L.

Active learning : Trivial routine or permanent challenge of instruction?

1. Conceptual and empirical approaches to "active learning"

1.1 Active and self-regulated learning -- a tautology?
1.2 Self-reports of active learners: Characteristics of their learning processes
1.3 Central features of active learning: An observation protocol

2. Findings from active learning classrooms

2.1 Qualitative impressions
2.2 Observation data

3. Necessary conditions for self-regulated learning activities

3.1 Active decision-making in learning processes
3.2 Complementary relation of individual and social activities
3.3 Self-regulated teachers as active learners

4. Why active learning?

Vortrag an der Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Izmir, 26. Februar 1997